African Culture: The Best Things To Do On A Safari

African Culture: The Best Things To Do On A Safari


When you think of Africa, what comes to mind? Elephants, lions, and zebras? Sure. But did you also know there’s an abundance of art, music and culture as well? As an African-American myself, I’m proud to share my heritage with anyone who will listen. In fact, I love showing off my culture so much that I’ve even found myself leading safaris through the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania!

African Culture: The Best Things To Do On A Safari

Learn the local language.

Learning the local language is one of the best things you can do on a safari. It will allow you to communicate better with the locals, as well as ask questions that would otherwise be impossible in English or another foreign language. Not only that, but learning their dialect will help you learn more about their culture and traditions!

Eat traditional food.

Let’s start with what you should be eating. The food in Africa is incredible, and there are several options for meals on safari. The most traditional meal is called ugali, which is made from cornmeal that’s been boiled and mashed into a thick paste. It’s served with meat (usually chicken or beef) and vegetables that have been cooked in peanut oil, then topped off with hot sauce for an extra kick.

This dish can be eaten in many different ways: as a stew or soup; wrapped up like tacos; or even just smeared onto bread like hummus! In fact, ugali has such an interesting history that some people think it may even be one of the oldest foods ever created by humans!

When you’re ready to try this local delicacy yourself–and trust me when I say every traveler should–you’ll want to make sure you’re doing so at an authentic restaurant where locals go instead of just anywhere else because many tourists end up getting sick if they eat at places where they don’t know how clean things are kept.*

Meet the locals.

  • Meet the locals.
  • Be friendly and polite.
  • Ask questions about the local customs and traditions, and be open to learning new things.
  • Be respectful of their culture, especially if you’re visiting a rural area where there are few Westerners around to guide you in your interactions with people who may not speak English very well or at all!

Go on a safari.

The safari is a must-do activity if you’re traveling to Africa. The word “safari” means “journey” in Swahili, and it’s been used as a verb since the 19th century. A safari can be done in many different ways–from walking through the wilderness to luxury jeep tours around national parks and private reserves. Whether you want an adventure out on your own or prefer having someone else do all the driving while you relax at home base (with air conditioning!), there are plenty of options available for every type of traveler.

Whether it’s seeing lions roaring at dusk from atop your tent, watching elephants bathe in rivers during sunrise or strolling among giraffes as they nibble leaves off trees overhead–the African wilderness has something special for everyone who ventures into its wilds!

Visit a cultural village.

  • Cultural villages are designed to show visitors how people live in the area. They often have a small museum and some craft workshops, as well as traditional food available for purchase. These villages are usually free or low cost, which makes them easy on your wallet while still providing an authentic experience of African culture!
  • Examples of cultural villages include:
  • Village des Artisans du Niger (Niger)
  • Village des Potiers du Niger (Niger)
  • Crafts Market & Cultural Village (Kenya)

Try your hand at local crafts and activities, like dancing or drumming.

If you’re looking to get more out of your African adventure, try your hand at local crafts and activities. For example, many safari camps offer dance lessons where you can learn how to dance like an African. The same goes with drumming–it’s a traditional art form that dates back centuries and is still practiced today by many tribes across the continent.

It’s important for tourists visiting Africa to understand these traditions; learning about them will help you feel more connected with the people who live there, which in turn will make for an even better trip overall!

If dancing or drumming isn’t really your thing but you still want something interactive and fun, consider taking up photography classes instead (or just bring along some good camera equipment). Learning how take stunning photos while exploring new places can be super rewarding!

Visiting Africa isn’t just about seeing wildlife — it’s about experiencing the culture too!

As you’re planning your trip to Africa, it’s important to remember that the continent is home to many different cultures. As such, it’s important that you understand these differences and respect them while visiting.

Culture is more than just a language or set of traditions; it’s how people live their lives on a daily basis — what they eat, how they dress and interact with others around them. Culture evolves over time as well as place (for example: there are different types of cuisine in South Africa than there are in Kenya). Because culture can be so fluid and ever-changing, it is sometimes difficult for outsiders like us Westerners who have grown up in developed countries with strict social norms about how we should behave towards each other when interacting at work or school versus outside those settings where most people don’t know each other very well yet still need some sort of structure since there isn’t always someone watching over our shoulders!


Visiting Africa is a great way to experience the culture of the people who live there. You can learn their language, eat traditional food or even dance with them! It’s important to remember that these are just some of the things that make up Africa’s rich culture.